Source code for keyup.statics


    keyup Project-level Defaults and Settings

    - **Local Default Settings**: Local defaults for your specific installation are derived from settings found in:

    .. code-block:: bash


Module Attributes:
    - user_home (TYPE str):
        $HOME environment variable, present for most Unix and Unix-like POSIX systems
    - config_dir (TYPE str):
        directory name default for stsaval config files (.stsaval)
    - config_path (TYPE str):
        default for stsaval config files, includes config_dir (~/.stsaval)
    - key_deprecation (TYPE str):
        Deprecation logic that keyup uses when 2 keys exist for a user.

        2 values possible:

            - 'AGE':  keyup deprecates based on age, replacing the oldest key
            - 'AWSCLI':  keyup replaces keys currently in the local awscli config

import json
import os
import platform
import inspect
import logging
from pyaws.script_utils import get_os
from keyup._version import __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__version__)

# --  project-level DEFAULTS  ------------------------------------------------

[docs]def import_file_object(filename): """ Summary: Imports block filesystem object Args: :filename (str): block filesystem object Returns: dictionary obj (valid json file), file data object """ try: handle = open(filename, 'r') file_obj = dict_obj = json.loads(file_obj) except OSError as e: logger.critical( 'import_file_object: %s error opening %s' % (str(e), str(filename)) ) raise e except ValueError: '%s: import_file_object: %s not json. file object returned' % (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(filename)) ) return file_obj # reg file, not valid json return dict_obj
[docs]def read_local_config(cfg): """ Parses local config file for override values Args: :local_file (str): filename of local config file Returns: dict object of values contained in local config file """ try: if os.path.exists(cfg): config = import_file_object(cfg) return config else: logger.warning( '%s: local config file (%s) not found, cannot be read' % (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(cfg))) except OSError as e: logger.warning( 'import_file_object: %s error opening %s' % (str(e), str(cfg)) ) return {}
[docs]def os_parityPath(path): """ Converts unix paths to correct windows equivalents. Unix native paths remain unchanged (no effect) """ path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if path.startswith('\\'): return 'C:' + path return path
try: env_info = get_os(detailed=True) OS = env_info['os_type'] user_home = env_info['HOME'] except KeyError as e: logger.critical( '%s: %s variable is required and not found in the environment' % (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(e))) raise e else: # local vars -- this section executes as default; if windows, execute diff # section with appropriate pathnames # project PACKAGE = 'keyup' LICENSE = 'GPL v3' LICENSE_DESC = 'General Public License v3' version = __version__ # config parameters CONFIG_SCRIPT = 'keyconfig' # console script to access config file config_dir = '.config' config_subdir = PACKAGE config_filename = 'config.json' config_path = user_home + '/' + config_dir + '/' + config_subdir + '/' + config_filename # access key parameters keyage_min = 1 # days keyage_max = 30 # days keyage_limit = 365 keyage_warning = 2 # warn when 2 days till expiration key_deprecation = 'AGE' # 'AWSCLI' || 'AGE' rotation_delay = 9 # seconds # logging parameters enable_logging = False log_mode = 'FILE' log_filename = 'keyup.log' log_dir = user_home + '/' + 'logs' log_path = log_dir + '/' + log_filename # key backup parameters backup_enable = False backup_location = user_home + '/' + 'Backup' + '/' + 'keysets' if OS == 'Windows': config_path = os_parityPath(config_path) log_path = os_parityPath(log_path) backup_location = os_parityPath(backup_location) seed_config = { "PROJECT": { "PACKAGE": PACKAGE, "CONFIG_VERSION": version, "CONFIG_DATE": "", "HOME": user_home, "CONFIG_FILENAME": config_filename, "CONFIG_DIR": config_dir, "CONFIG_SUBDIR": config_subdir, "CONFIG_PATH": config_path }, "TEMP_CREDENTIALS": { "PROFILE_NAMES": [] }, "LOGGING": { "ENABLE_LOGGING": enable_logging, "LOG_FILENAME": log_filename, "LOG_PATH": log_path, "LOG_MODE": log_mode, "SYSLOG_FILE": False }, "KEY_METADATA": { "KEYAGE_MAX_DAYS": keyage_max, "KEYAGE_MIN_DAYS": keyage_min, "KEYAGE_MAX_LIMIT": keyage_limit, "KEYAGE_WARNING": keyage_warning, "KEY_DEPRECATION": key_deprecation, "KEY_ENABLE_DELAY": rotation_delay }, "KEY_BACKUP": { "BACKUP_ENABLE": backup_enable, "BACKUP_LOCATION": backup_location } } try: if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.mkdir(log_dir) os.chmod(log_dir, 0o755) if os.path.exists(config_path): # parse config file local_config = read_local_config(cfg=config_path) # fail to read, set to default config if not local_config: local_config = seed_config else: local_config = seed_config except KeyError: local_config = seed_config except OSError as e: logger.exception( '%s: Error when attempting to access or create local log and config %s' % (inspect.stack()[0][3], str(e)) ) raise e